Thursday, August 09, 2007

Near?... Far?... Yes Near... No Far...

Well... I have been "four-0" for a month now... The other evening my husband brings home some work for me to "proofread" for him... So I look down at the papers... then pick up the papers... bring them NEAR... Hmmmmm... didn't work... so I extend my arm to move the papers FARther away.... Hmmmmm... better... so I tilt my head back slightly and bring the papers a BIT closer... NOPE.. move the papers FARther (still with my head tilted slightly back and move into better light)... PERFECT... Yea... got out my cute "readers" last night (that I had bought in ANTICIPATION of this "EVENT") I will be having an "offical" eye exam at the end of the month... can I tell ya though... I'm NOT liking this whole "four-0" thing... I'm hoping it just takes time to grow into!

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