Thursday, November 01, 2007


Well it was SURVIVOR Night... so for all those fans that may have missed the show... here's the RECAP...

The show opened with the FEI LONG tribe and everyone basically telling "JR" and Courtney to make ammends with each other and that none of the other tribe members were going to get involved in the little "tiff" between them... (those nightvision shots that they do really FREAK me out on the show... I hate how everyones eyes look all freaky and possessed)

Zhan Hu... PG "flexes her muscle" with James by telling him what they have done for him (sacrificing a former Zhan Hu member (Sherea) to "save" him)... James doesn't really pay her much mind and tells her that he knows they are trusting to EACH OTHER but does not tell PG that HE trusts any of the ZHAN HU tribe... James is able to grab the hidden immunity idol in camp (which gives him BOTH hidden immunity idols)... Jamie realizes that the piece is gone off of the arch and she and Todd find the "null" idol piece laying on the ground (James did not have time to put it back up on the arch and left it laying in the grass)... Jamie THINKS it is the REAL IMMUNITY IDOL and gets all excited... she and Erik realize that James must've been looking for it and not realized it was the immunity... she snoops in his bag while he (James) and PG are out frog hunting and finds 2 "boards"... of course Jamie THINKS James is holding a "fake" immunity idol and SHE has a "real" one...

MERGE... The tribes show up for the challenge and Jeff tells them to drop their buffs... it's MERGE TIME!!! They all get new black buffs... the "new flag kit"... and a MERGE feast and entertainment... with a "warning" from Jeff that "This game never stops"... Everyone enjoys the food and entertainment... Courtney, PG, and Jamie were loving the alcohol... and the guys were loving the native dancers...

NEW TRIBE NAME... HAE DA FUNG (Black Fighting Wind)

James wastes little time telling Todd and Amanda that he suspects Jamie THINKS she has a hidden immunity idol... Courtney complains that noone will stand up for her and tell JR off... everyone tells her to basically get over herself... Jeff shows up unexpectedly at the new camp (old FEI LONG camp) with the INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY NECKLACE and announces that it is time for the IMMUNITY CHALLENGE (reminding everyone of his warning that the "game never stops")... It's a "pop quiz" on their MERGE feast and entertainment (everyone is whining and complaining about not paying any attention during the MERGE Feast)... it's a single out challenge so it went fairly quick (one wrong answer and your out of the game)... FROSTI ends up winning individual immunity and is the first to wear the necklace

The politicing begins after the challenge... PG works on James like a bad case of fleas... TRYING to get James to "commit" to her "alliance"... JR "threatens" Todd with a jury lobby if Todd screws JR over... Jamie goes around announcing "secretly" that SHE has a hidden immunity and if she is "spared" will tell who has the other one... Todd and Amanda worry about Courtney "flipping" and writing down JR's name...

TRIBAL COUNCIL... Jeff asks Amanda, PG and JR how the new tribe is working... Amanda keeps things upbeat... PG is into JR bashing and JR says how Courtney has now moved down the "target list"... prompting Courtney to "retaliate" and say JR won't leave her alone... James tells JR he talks too much... Jamie hopes she is more pleasant than JR and they keep her... "It is now time to vote"... Just before Jeff reads the votes Jamie interrupts and asks about the idol (as she pull it out of her bag)... James and Todd almost laugh out loud... JR about wets himself with worry... Jeff reviews the Hidden Immunity Idol rules in the EVENT that a VALID hidden immuntiy idol is played and THEN informs Jamie that her idol is NOT VALID... and throws it into the fire!!! Votes are read and JAMIE IS GONE!!! She is the first member of the jury... Jeff reminds the remaining players that the game is shifting and that they need to be aware of WHO they put into the jury...

There seems to be a bit of a "Crush" going on between FROSTI and Courtney (WHEN did THAT happen?)... Courtney was snuggling all up to Frosti and it didn't escape PG or James' notice... James REALLY had some strong opinions this week and didn't hesitate to say somthing (although I DO miss when he would just push the trees down with his bare hands!!!)

Can't wait for next week!!!

1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

Ok So I watched my on demand, and watched Survivor. OMG! I about died laughing at Jamie and her faux idol!!

It was worth a try, I really hope Courtney goes soon. What a boob. Leave my Frosti alone, I hope that doesn't mess with his game, I am rooting for Frosti!!