Monday, July 30, 2007


OK... so my "garage/yard" sale was a SUCCESS!!! YIPEE... my goal was to make $350 for a new "potty" and sink for our powderroom remodel... Grand Total was $421!!! We woke up EARLY on Saturday morning to FOG... THICK FOG... so my husband suggested waiting a bit to see if 'the fog will burn off'... so the wait began... 6:30... still foggy... 7:00... still foggy... FINALLY at 7:30 my husband said 'if you're going to have the sale... we should start putting stuff out'... so we did... by 8:15 everything was out and my signs were up (I decided not to advertise in the paper but "piggybacked" off other garage sales in the neighborhood)... TWICE the sky looked ominous... it "misted/sprinkled" twice... but just briefly... I made sure to price my stuff FAIRLY with room to barter (but I'm having the sale to MAKE money)... My friend came over and brought her 2 girls... so that was a fun day and all the girls got to play together... My husband "supervised" the girls inside and gave my friend and I occassional breaks... I had a GREAT turnout... everyone complimented me on my "quality" and only 4 people bartered with me... My friend brought over some items to sell and she made some $$$ too!!! :o) Funny thing is... Some of the stuff that I thought for SURE would sell didn't... and some of the stuff I thought for sure wouldn't sell... did! Of course AFTER we packed up the leftovers and got everything cleaned up the sun came out... typical... so all in all the SALE was a success!!! My friend and I are planning to have another sale next year! :o)

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