Monday, July 30, 2007

Get It Yourself Next Time...

So you already know from a previous post that I am a LISTER... so today my daughter and I make a WALLIES run to pick up some things on the GROCERY LIST... now... this is a feat because "our" WALLIES is in the middle of a MAJOR remodel... so currently it is not "the happiest place on earth" to us (narrow aisles... things outta place, ect)... anyway... my husband had put "coffee" on the list... Hmmmmmm... ok... coffee... Now... let me explain that my husband seems to have "inherited" the high blood pressure thing that runs in his family... and has to go once a week for a BP check... but with some diet changes (implemented by ME) he's doing much better... anyway... back to the COFFEE on the grocery list... so... we proceed to the coffee/tea aisle... and I am looking at ALL the DIFFERENT kinds... (I know VERY LITTLE about coffee being a TEA drinker myself) and I see this 1/2 Blend which offers 1/2 the caffine instead of straight decaf... so I get it (keeping his health in mind) and bring it home... so I am unpacking the grocerries and hand my husband his coffee (he is on vacation this week so he is home during the day) "Here's your coffee" I say... he takes the coffee... looks at it and realizes it is a "wimpier" strength ... and says "Oh Great... thanks"... "Just keeping your health in mind you know"... so thinking he is really smart he responds "So... I'll just have to drink twice as much to get ALL the caffine right?"... "Right"... I say getting quickly annoyed "And the NEXT TIME you need something you can just go get it yourself... THAT WAY you'll get exactly what you want"... :o)

"My Haircut Looks Beautiful Mommy"...

Saturday after the SALE we (me, my husband, daughter, friend and friend's daughter's) all went out to "dinner" (nothing fancy... just WENDY'S) for a quick bite... after we got home we all took showers and were relaxing... our neighbors had just gotten back from vacation and I was out chatting it up with them (and thanking them for the TAFFY)... my husband had just come outside to bring some trash to the garage... I had drawn shapes on construction paper and our daughter was "practicing her cutting" by cutting out the shapes... well our daughter comes to the back door with a blanket over her head and around her face (like a babushka)... and says "Mommy... my hair looks beautiful"... um... WHAAAAAAAAT? OH NO... she didn't... she wouldn't... "You're hair looks what?"... I ask cautiously... "My haircCUT looks beautiful"... I thougth I was going to puke... I "calmly" say goodbye to the neighbors and walk VERY FAST into the house... and there she stands... with the babushka blanket around her head... "Let Mommy see your beautiful hair"... "Nooooooooooooo... it's beautiful"... the hystericas start... well... after everything calms down... and the blanket babushka is removed... the "Haircut" is revealed... let me just say TWO THINGS... ONE... it could've been a LOT worse (she did not cut to the scalp... THANK GOD!)... and TWO... WHY do the CHILD scissors that advertised they ONLY cut paper cut HAIR so well? My daughter is now sporting a "flapper style" BOB... Yes sweetie... NOW your haircut looks beautiful... :o)


OK... so my "garage/yard" sale was a SUCCESS!!! YIPEE... my goal was to make $350 for a new "potty" and sink for our powderroom remodel... Grand Total was $421!!! We woke up EARLY on Saturday morning to FOG... THICK FOG... so my husband suggested waiting a bit to see if 'the fog will burn off'... so the wait began... 6:30... still foggy... 7:00... still foggy... FINALLY at 7:30 my husband said 'if you're going to have the sale... we should start putting stuff out'... so we did... by 8:15 everything was out and my signs were up (I decided not to advertise in the paper but "piggybacked" off other garage sales in the neighborhood)... TWICE the sky looked ominous... it "misted/sprinkled" twice... but just briefly... I made sure to price my stuff FAIRLY with room to barter (but I'm having the sale to MAKE money)... My friend came over and brought her 2 girls... so that was a fun day and all the girls got to play together... My husband "supervised" the girls inside and gave my friend and I occassional breaks... I had a GREAT turnout... everyone complimented me on my "quality" and only 4 people bartered with me... My friend brought over some items to sell and she made some $$$ too!!! :o) Funny thing is... Some of the stuff that I thought for SURE would sell didn't... and some of the stuff I thought for sure wouldn't sell... did! Of course AFTER we packed up the leftovers and got everything cleaned up the sun came out... typical... so all in all the SALE was a success!!! My friend and I are planning to have another sale next year! :o)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away... or Stay...

I had been planning a garage/yard sale since Spring... lagged on picking a date for the sale (again... that whole time flying by thing)... Well... FINALLY picked a date (this Saturday) started gathering things for the sale and putting them into our dining room... we haven't had any significant rain to speak of all Summer... and we NEED it... and wouldn't you know it... it is raining NOW and suppose to continue into tomorrow... the day I picked for my sale! Rain Rain Go Away... Lala has a LOT of stuff to send away (sell)... and I don't know how long I can stand to have my dining room in complete disarray! Or the rain could always stay and I wouldn't have to get up so early tomorrow... and things would green up around here too!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Off... On... Off...

I wake up in the morning and turn OFF the Air Conditioner... throw open the windows... turn on the fans and enjoy the day... my husband comes home... walks in the door... proceeds DIRECTLY to the thermostat and turns ON the Air Conditioner... and it remains on the rest of the night... We rise with the morning sun... my husband leaves for work and I proceed directly to the thermostat and turn OFF the Air Conditioner... OH... the joys my husband knows living with a Southern Girl!!! :o)

The Apron Story...

Always one to have a quick "comeback" ... here is a little story I'm sharing... My Mother-in-law and I share a very "strained" (for lack of a better word) realtionship... and I am "known" to be quite the bitch when I want to be (and it is warranted)... So... we typically visit the in-laws on Christmas Eve... well... last Christmas Eve my MIL is sporting an apron ("full length" the kind that goes around the neck and covers the front like down to the knees) and ON this apron is the phrase 'I can go from nice to BITCH in 2.3 seconds'... well I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of commenting on the RIDICULOUS apron right? RIGHT! So I pretty much ignore it until she comes up to me and says "Lala... what do you think of my apron? A friend of mine gave it to me and I thought YOU would appreciate it" Hmmmmmm... did you now (is what I thought)... So I look at the apron, scan my eyes like I am reading it... Look my MIL STRAIGHT IN THE EYE and say "OH... well... it takes you 2.3 seconds longer than it does me"... like I said... I CAN be quite the bitch when warranted... :o)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

YOU Like Me... You REALLY Like Me!!!

Well... at least TWO people do... THANK YOU to Sharon and Jackie for totally making my day... although I was totally unaware comments had been left... LOL... shows what a little leaguer I am with this whole BLOGGING thing... :o)~

Something to Ponder....

Life is like a roll of toilet paper The closer it gets to the end, the faster it have fun, think "good thoughts" only, learn to laugh at yourself, and "Count your blessings"!!! Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, and Dance like nobody's watching!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Another Month Bites the Dust... Almost

Well... Once again I have blinked and another month has gone by... almost! This Summer seems to have wizzed by with no concern for my LONG list of "To Dos"... I can't say that I am totally without scratching off "Things To Do"... I have spent a lot of time with our youngest who will enter Kindergarten this Fall... learning all the "basics" needed to be ready for kindergarten... I have enjoyed leisurely days reading books with her... playing Barbie's, boardgames and coloring... and we have spent some wonderful afternoons outside in our butterfly garden... I have looked at things differently this Summer... and have realized that as long as the family is HAPPY... I am HAPPY... I do have a couple of goals for August though... one of them is to "blog" more... not necessarily blog hop (which BTW I have become totally addicted to)... but to work to make MY BLOG better... another is to take off 10lbs. Seems that some unwanted weight has creeped onto my body (ok... not creeped b/c I am totally aware when it started) and I need to be a bit more conscience now that I am "The New 30"... I would like to make it a goal to continue to spend "uninterrupted" time with the family also... enjoying our family and each other... because in the end... it really isn't going to matter much how many things I got "done" is it?