Thursday, May 07, 2009

Scattered Thoughts and a CELEBRITY VISIT...

WHEW... lots of thoughts running "willie nillie" through my mind...

RAIN RAIN GO AWAY... we haven't seen the SUN in 7 DAYS!!!

Get hairnet to cover BUN for recital...

Get CARAMEL tights for recital...

SEW SEW SEW (Keep your EYE on the PRIZE)...

Will Nick get lucky and snag a SUMMER JOB???...

Call the tree guy and get an estimate...

Wish I was more of an adventurer...

One of the MOMS at "pick up" had some SUPER CUTE SHOES... gotta find out WHERE she got 'em...


Death is just part of the CIRCLE OF LIFE...

Gotta get end of Year Teacher's Gifts...

Not falling for the "pot stirrers" tactics... I'm done playing the game

I'm glad Lilley-Kate's sunflowers sprouted...

I LOVE walking around LOWES...

Dinner wasn't very good tonight (tried to "pimp up" the pancakes too much)

WOOHOO... .58 cents a GALLON in FUEL PERKS!!!

WOOHOO... 10% off in FOOD PERKS

Laminant floors NEXT (or a WALL OVEN)...

Lilley-Kate has developed a recent "obsession" with HANNAH MONTANA ... I'm HOPING it doesn't last long... That is "Hannah playing a guitar" up top there... just in case you DIDN'T know... LOL


Jenn said...

Whew...lots of thoughts there girl. Funny how I knew where each one came from (or where you were going). Our life is a bit "scrambled eggie" right now too ;) Hang in there!!


Anonymous said...

*Adventurer~ topic!
*Bre loves the Ben and Jerry's single serves too~ lol
*Circle of life and pot stirrer...hmmm Topic WHEN you are ready to discuss!
Yippee on Lk's sunflower sprouting..take a pic :)
Oh my...Hannah Montana...LOVE the drawing..what a little artist :)