Monday, December 29, 2008

Here's Your Sign...

OK... so yesterday I had had just about enough "Holiday Cheer"... WHY is it the days between Christmas and New Years seem to go on FOREVER???... anyway... I went to a not so local shopping center to see what I could see... came out to find that the HOLIDAY WREATH that I had on my van had been STOLEN!!! OMG... WHO the HELL steals a wreath off of a van??? Well... I took it as a "sign" of sorts... so TODAY (instead of on January 1st as traditionally) the Christmas decorations are COMING DOWN...

I'm not mad at the THIEF who stole my wreath (I mean... it was just a little $2.50 thing)... Maybe... just maybe... "Post-Holiday" insanity possessed them... and seeing that Holiday wreath on my car sent them over the edge... and instead of screaming out in pure frustration (which would've been kinda weird in the middle of a parking lot)... they decided to quietly remove the wreath from my van... Hey... I can TOTALLY RELATE to that (although I probably would've just done the screaming in frustration thing)... or MAYBE... just maybe... they needed a wreath for THEIR car...

Either way... I took it as a "sign"


Jenn said...

that's hilarious! did you check the cars surrounding your van?? maybe someone did a bit of re-arranging? we used to do that as kids with our neighbor's garden gnomes (oh...did I just mention that for the world to see???)

the whole thing cracks me up!


Jess said...

I'm beyond ready to take mine down... but I am TRYING to hold out until Jan 1st. We can't light our porch lights anyways because the dog chewed through them (when they were unplugged!)... so we might as well just take them down. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I cant help but crack up everytime I read this! However..the conversation that day..was Priceless!!