Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Missing an old "FRIEND"...

My "three a day" (yes... 3 24ozs. a day) habit is no longer... on March 9th I woke up and made the decision to say "Goodbye" to an old friend...
It wasn't easy... halfway through the first day "the headache" started... and continued... and continued... I knew that if I could get through at least 4 days the headache would start to ease and I would/could successfully "kick" my "DEW"... by the end of the 4th day... my headache started to ease, and I was feeling more "normal"...
So... I haven't had ANY "soda type" beverage since March 9th!!! Do I miss it??? I DID... in the beginning... but... I've lost 6 pounds... and dropped a size !!!
So... "Goodbye Old Friend"... I WILL MISS YOU!!! I might drop in for a little visit ocassionally... but for now I'm doin' ok without you... so far!


Jacki McHale said...

Gah! That has to be hard, I am a BIG fan of the dew. But we have a rule of no pop in the house.

Just water, juice and milk. I drink pop when I go out, which is not often.

It makes it easier to watch our weight. My husband used to drink 6-8 cokes a day! Yikes! But the weight came off, once it left the house!

Good Luck!!

Robyn said...

Not happening at our house. Mountain Dew runs through the Pastor's veins.