Monday, April 20, 2009

Go Figure...

Well... this RECENT bout of WET WEATHER has done NOTHING to IMPROVE my attitude... YEP... I'm IRRITATED... as usual...

I just don't understand... WHEN you sign your child up for an activity (DANCE, sports, music, art) shouldn't you REALIZE that there ARE going to be ADDED EXPENSES incurred??? Shouldn't you BUDGET for and ANTICIPATE (because you KNOW there are RECITALS, TOURNAMENTS, SHOWS, WORKSHOPS, CAMPS) those added expenses... so WHEN they (the added expenses) come up, you're not whining because you don't have the money? And don't even get me started on MULTIPLE activities... I REALIZE that not everyone can afford to do EVERYTHING (and WE don't)... but DON'T "do EVERYTHING" if you can't AFFORD to...
Sorry if I sound insensitive... but at least I'm being honest...
Or am I being STAUNCH??? My latest (ongoing) "crush" is on The BEALES of GREY GARDENS... did anyone see the HBO special with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange on Saturday??? FABULOUS!!! It made me dig out my DVDS and spend Sunday watching them TWO TIMES IN A ROW!!! Lilley-Kate had been walking around with a scarf tied on her head and saying "MUTHA DARLING" and "FATHA DEAR" and marching around like Little Edie...
Well... the sun won't be out tomorrow... as we are expecting rain ALL WEEK... but the weekend is suppose to be FABULOUS...

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