Thursday, June 26, 2008

In Anticipation...

We noticed 2 wigglie teeth the last week of school (and 2 adult teeth already coming up BEHIND the wigglie ones)... every night and every morning we have been wiggling those teeth... but as of today... no luck... I realized pretty quickly that we could be caught "unprepared" for such a monumentous occasion... so today I made Lilley-Kate a little something...

Her TOOTH PILLOW... so... when those wigglie teeth FINALLY decide to come out... she'll have something to put them in for the Tooth Fairy!!!

It's just made of felt... and blanket stitched together... the back is a bit "wonkie"... but Lilley-Kate was THRILLED...

Now... just to get those teeth to come out!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Can't wait to hear the news! A and J pretend everyday that they have a lose tooth ;) Nothing wiggling for real here though!
