Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up...

What a BEAUTIFUL weekend we had weather-wise!!! Sunny... MILD...
just what we ALL needed in these parts!

Friday afternoon Michael surprised Lilley-Kate and picked her up from school... after getting home Michael did some yard work and Lilley-Kate and I played outside... Friday evening Michael and I watched "The Graduate" on DVD (I had never seen the whole thing in one sitting)

Saturday dawned SUNNY and MILD... Michael took the opportunity to burn some yard debris (we are fortunate that our backyard is in the ajoining township which allows burning)... I spent the morning sewing... Lilley-Kate alternated between being outside with Michael and inside watching me sew... we made a Saturday evening run to Wallies... Lilley-Kate needed a new bike helmet...

Sunday I went to our local PRIME outlets with my friend Mrs. Hardt... why is it when you have money to spend you never see anything to buy??? THAT was my trip to the outlets... although I did come home with a FABULOUS NEW NIGHTGOWN for Lilley-Kate! WE went to a local dept. store this evening... they were having an ADDITIONAL 20% off today... and we picked up Michael 2 pairs of FLAT FRONT Dockers and some BLACK business casual shoes (now that he doesn't wear a uniform every day... he's needing some work attire)... We treated Lilley_Kate to PERKINS for dinner... I watched the BB9 Finale... Watched Celebrity Fit Club Boot Camp finale... and will be heading up to bed shortly


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