Friday, December 07, 2007


As the snow fell last night here... I was snugglie and warm on the couch... it was SURVIVOR night... for those of you that missed the show... here is the RECAP...

HAE DE FONG... Show opens with the return from Tribal and the blindsiding of James... Everyone is glad that it worked because noone would've wanted to return to camp if it hadn't for fear of James...

RAIN RAIN and more RAIN... everyone is huddled in the little cave... TODD talks about being homesick and his alliance of AMANDA, COURTNEY and DENISE (hoping they stick together and follow the plan)... says they need to get rid of ERIK and PG... BUT... if they were SMART (the other three in the alliance) they would take the opportunity to get rid of HIM (Todd)...

REWARD CHALLENGE... Blindfolded while walking a maze... get to the center with your partner and you win... Partners would be FAMILY MEMBERS!!! All the family memebers were revealed... everyone cried when their family memebers came out... COURTNEY'S Dad is English and "LOOKED" English (pressed trousers and dress shirt)... AMANDA'S sister looked ALOT like her (AMANDA)... DENISE'S HUSBAND was revealed (you could tell they love each other a LOT)... so... then TODD'S sister comes out... they hug... TODD asks about his OTHER SISTER... and TODD'S sister reveals she had a miscarriage and lost the baby... GAMETIME... so everyone starts through the maze... they finally figure out the marco polo method and the game picks up.... AMANDA and her sister were using bird calls to locate each other... HILARIOUS... COURTNEY'S Dad complained a bit... DENISE and her HUSBAND get to the center and WIN REWARD!!!... She gets to pick 2 other SURVIVORS and family to go on the reward... she chooses AMANDA and TODD (PG is livid b/c she chose Denise for a previous reward)... so they go out on a boat for a big meal and some visiting and then get to go back to camp to spend the night...

Back at camp PG, COURTNEY and ERIK all doubt TODD'S story about his sister... COURTNEY does a less than award worthy immitation of TODD... Reward winners and family return back to camp... PG doesn't want to be around DENISE and is still mad... Guests spend the night and leave the next morning... DENISE pretty much immediately approaches PG and explains that she didn't have a choice on who to pick for reward sharing... PG says she understands but is still mad

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE... Tethered obstacle to raise flag... answer 3 questions right... use the keys to open the locks... raise your flag and win IMMUNITY... game starts out and quickly PG an dTODD are leading.. comes down to PG and TODD... Todd answers a question wrong and PG WINS IMMUNITY (her 2nd inividual immunity win)...

Back at camp after the challenge PG is actually stunned she won and considers herself the underdog in the TRIBE... TODD becomes nervous about AMANDA... AMANDA reveals to ERIK that she (AMANDA) didn't believe TODD's story either... PG tells ERIK that she will vote for TODD but she doesn't think he has much of a chance at staying... DENISE becomes the SEING VOTE and she is confused as to what to do...which makes TODD nervous...

TRIBAL COUNCIL... Jeff asks about the 4 vs. 2 split in the Tribe... PG says someone could change up the game with their vote and possibly go from 4th to 3rd... giving them a better chance to win... TODD says he trusts people but doesn't know how much he trusts them... It is time to vote... ERIK GOES...

*** Jamie fidgeted teh entire TRIBAL COUNCIL and at one point looked like she was laughing... it seemed very distracting...

NEXT WEEK should be GOOD!!!

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